

Brand namesOraverse ®, Rogitine ®
IndicationsHypertensive crisis.
Mechanism of actionPhentolamine is a non-selective alpha-adrenergic blocker. Phentolamine reduces blood pressure while increasing catecholamine activity.
EffectsPrimarily causes afterload reduction.
Time to onset of action1 to 2 minutes
Duration of action10 to 30 minutes
DoseBolus injection:
5 to 15 mg every 5 to 15 minutes as necessary.
Continuous infusion:
Start infusion at 0.1 mg/min and increase in increments of 0.1 mg.
Adverse effectsTachycardia. Flushing. Headache. Nausea. Vomiting.
CautionRarely used unless patient has a confirmed diagnosis of pheochromocytoma
Treatment of hypertension associated with pheochromocytoma; treatment of dermal necrosis after extravasation of drugs with á-adrenergic effects.
Phentolamine doses and administration in hypertension (hypertensive crisis/emergency).
Updated on 2025-01-18