Left ventricular dimension and systolic function

Visual assessment of regional wall motion (left ventricle)

NormalNormal thickening (typically >30% thickening from end-diastole to end-systole).1
HypokinesiaReduced thickening (typically 10–30% thickening from end-diastole to end-systole)2
AkinesiaMarkedly reduced, or no thickening (<10%)3
DyskinesiaParadoxical thinning and/or outward directed motion during systole4
AneurysmaticDiastolic deformation5

Recommended by the American Society for Echocardiography (J Am Soc Echocardiogr 18:1440-1463, 2005).

Left ventricular mass and geometry

 Women   Men   
 ReferenceMildy abnormalModerately abnormalSeverely abnormalReferenceMildly abnormalModerately abnormalSeverely abnormal
LV mass, g67–162163–186187–210>21188–224225–258259–292>293
LV mass/BSA, g/m243–9596–108109–121> 12249–115116–131132–148> 149
LV mass/height, g/m41–99100–115116–128>12952–126127–144145–162>163
LV mass/height 2,7 , g/m2,718–4445–5152–58>5920–4849–5556–63>64
Relative wall thickness, cm0.22–0.420.43–0.470.48–0.52>0.530.24–0.420.43–0.460.47–0.51>0.52
Septal thickness, cm0.6–0.91.0–1.21.3–1.5> 1.60.6–1.01.1–1.31.4–1.6> 1.7
Posterior wall thickness, cm0.6–0.91.0–1.21.3–1.5> 1.60.6–1.01.1–1.31.4–1.6> 1.7
2D METOD        
LV mass, g66–150151–171172–182> 19396–200201–227228–254> 255
LV mass/BSA, g/m244–8889–100101–112> 11350–102103–116117–130> 131

BSA, Body surface area; LV, left ventricular; 2D, 2-dimensional.

Left ventricular dimensions

 Women   Men   
 Normal rangeMildly abnormalModerately abnormalSeverely abnormalNormal rangeMildly abnormalModerately abnormalSeverely abnormal
LV diastolic diameter3.9–5.35.4–5.75.8–6.1>6.24.2–5.96.0–6.36.4–6.8>6.9
LV diastolic diameter/BSA, cm/m 22.4–3.23.3–3.43.5–3.7>3.82.2–3.13.2–3.43.5–3.6>3.7
LV diastolic diameter/height, cm/m2.5–3.23.3–3.43.5–3.6>3.72.4–3.33.4–3.53.6–3.7>3.8
LV VOLUME        
LV diastolic volume, mL56–104105–117118–130>13167–155156–178179–201>201
LV diastolic volume/BSA, mL/m 235–7576–8687–96> 9735–7576–8687–96> 97
LV systolic volume, mL19–4950–5960–69>7022–5859–7071–82>83
LV systolic volume/BSA, mL/m 212–3031–3637–42> 4312–3031–3637–42> 43

BSA, body surface area; LV, left ventricular.

Left ventricular function (ejection fraction)

 Women   Men   
 NormalMildly abnormalModerately abnormalSeverely abnormalNormalMildly abnormalModerately abnormalSeverely abnormal
Endocardial fractional shortening, %27–4522–2617–21<1625–4320–2415–19<14
Midwall fractional shortening, %15–2313–1411–12<1014–2212–1310–11<10
2D METOD        
Ejection fraction, %>5545–5430–44<30>5545–5430–44<30

2D, Two-dimensional.

Ejection fraction (EF)

 NormalMildly abnormalModerately abnormalSeverely abnormal
Ejection fraction (%), biplan, males52-7241-5130-40<30
Ejection fraction (%), biplan, females54-7441-5330-40<30


1. Lang, Roberto M.; Badano, Luigi P.; Mor-Avi, Victor; Afilalo, Jonathan; Armstrong, Anderson; Ernande, Laura et al. (2015): Recommendations for cardiac chamber quantification by echocardiography in adults: an update from the American Society of Echocardiography and the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging. In European heart journal cardiovascular Imaging 16 (3), pp. 233–270. DOI: 10.1093/ehjci/jev014.

2. Lang, Roberto M.; Bierig, Michelle; Devereux, Richard B.; Flachskampf, Frank A.; Foster, Elyse; Pellikka, Patricia A. et al. (2005): Recommendations for chamber quantification: a report from the American Society of Echocardiography’s Guidelines and Standards Committee and the Chamber Quantification Writing Group, developed in conjunction with the European Association of Echocardiography, a branch of the European Society of Cardiology. In Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography : official publication of the American Society of Echocardiography 18 (12), pp. 1440–1463. DOI: 10.1016/j.echo.2005.

Updated on 2025-01-18