Back to Book/course The Normal ECG: From Normality to Pathology 0% Complete 0/0 Steps Characteristics of the Normal ECG 7 Chapters Approach to ECG Interpretation, Assessment of Rhythm and the P-wave The PR Interval & PR segment The QRS Complex: Q-wave, R-wave, S-wave, R-wave progression The ST segment: J-point, J-60 point, ST depression, ST elevation The T-wave: T-wave inversions, hyperacute T-waves, large T-waves, flat T-waves The QT and QTc Interval The Electrical Axis of the Heart The Normal ECG: From Normality to Pathology Characteristics of the Normal ECG The T-wave: T-wave inversions, hyperacute T-waves, large T-waves, flat T-waves Section 1, Chapter 5 In Progress ← Previous Next→ The T-wave: T-wave inversions, hyperacute T-waves, large T-waves, flat T-waves Section Progress 0% Complete Video lecture: The T-wave: normal, inverted (negative) hyperacute and flat T-waves You are not logged in. Please log in to view all video lectures, all chapters in the ECG book, ECG tests and much more. Log in or Register.