Back to Book/course The Normal ECG: From Normality to Pathology 0% Complete 0/0 Steps Characteristics of the Normal ECG 7 Chapters Approach to ECG Interpretation, Assessment of Rhythm and the P-wave The PR Interval & PR segment The QRS Complex: Q-wave, R-wave, S-wave, R-wave progression The ST segment: J-point, J-60 point, ST depression, ST elevation The T-wave: T-wave inversions, hyperacute T-waves, large T-waves, flat T-waves The QT and QTc Interval The Electrical Axis of the Heart The Normal ECG: From Normality to Pathology Characteristics of the Normal ECG The QT and QTc Interval Section 1, Chapter 6 In Progress ← Previous Next→ The QT and QTc Interval Section Progress 0% Complete Video lecture: Assessment of the QT interval (QTc interval) Chapter content Toggle The Normal ECG: From Normality to PathologyCorrected QT interval (QTc) calculator You are not logged in. Please log in to view all video lectures, all chapters in the ECG book, ECG tests and much more. Log in or Register. Corrected QT interval (QTc) calculator QTc interval QT interval (milliseconds) * Heart rate (beats per minute) * QTc interval according to Bazzetms QTc = QT interval / √ (RR interval) QTc interval according to Fridericiams QTc = QT interval / (RR interval)1/3 QTc interval according to Framinghamms QTc = QT interval + 154 x (1 – RR interval) QTc interval according to Hodgesms QTc = QT interval + 1.75 x [(60 / RR interval) − 60] Automatic calculation